Welcome to the FCE e.hw blog!

You´ll find a new task every Friday which will help you brush up your skills. Type your scores in SCHOOLOGY. Don´t stay behind with it!!!!

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2019

2nd term. e.hw 5

Listening practice.

Here is a complete new FCE listening exam. Take advantage and practise!  Send me your final score!  :)

viernes, 19 de julio de 2019

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

e-hw 6

     Last e-hw of the first term! 

     a) 9 sentences to practise paraphrasing.


viernes, 19 de abril de 2019

viernes, 12 de abril de 2019

e-hw 4

Practise some vocabulary J VERY EASY!!  (12 points exercises a and b)
a) describing people
b) Modals

c) A bit of sentence transformation  USEFUL!!! ( 15 sentences- study these structures to work in class)

When you finish the three exercises, type THE AVERAGE IN SCHOOLOGY, E-HW 3. J

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

e-hw 3

20 multiple-choice questions.
relationships (it’s American English, so mind the spelling)

Question of the week. ( food for thought)

Who do you take after in your family?
I'm definitely like my father not only physically but also in personality.. We are both talkative, responsible ( or so people say) and we are quite outgoing.  We love art  ( painting, music) and we are energetic.. we hate doing nothing .. though I think it's sometimes necessary.. Don't you think so? :)

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

e-hw 2

Multiple choice – 20 questions.
Listening: paper 4 – ( practice makes perfection!!!)
Check your English level at listening. do the following exercise

Type the average in schoology, e-hw 2! 

And the question of the week is...
Imagine your house was on fire. All the people and pets are safe. Your computer is safe, too. The firefighter can go back to the house to look for one object - and one only. What would you ask him to bring? Why? 

I would ask him to save my books! As you can imagine I love them! I have bought some and have been given others as presents. Each of them reminds me of a specific time in my life ( when I was a student at secondary school, at the teacher training college, as a teacher already, when I got married and bought cookery books- I was a disaster in the past and always burnt everything.. )
What about you? Think what you would answer…

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019

e-hw 1

Let's warm up :) 

1) grammar terms

2)  15 multiple-choice questions.

Type your average or I’ll keep the lowest mark you send!

Question of the week- FOOD FOR THOUGHT J
what would you answer if you were asked this? I provide my answer:
Who’s the best singer of all times? What’s your favourite song?

I must admit I’m really into music.. I love all sorts of music, from pop to classical. However, if I had to pick one song, I’d definitely go for LET IT BE.. I have it even as a ringtone in my phone  ;) The Beatles are just the most incredible band I’ve ever listened to! I can’t think of a song performed by them which I don’t enjoy.